10 Marvel Universe Villains Who Should Unite To Form The Masters Of Evil

1. Thanos

At the helm of any Masters of Evil team put together to thwart the heroes of Earth should be the Mad Titan Thanos. Thanos has already been beaten, in a manner of speaking, by the Avengers, when they defeated his servant Loki and his Chitauri army. As such, he's already got a bone to pick with Tony Stark and company. When he inevitably loses against the superhero team again in the third Avengers movie, he's going to be extremely ticked off. As a result, he might need to concoct a new plan - and bringing together a bunch of named villains to join forces against the Avengers could be the solution. Thanos could return to a behind-the-scenes role - only getting his hands dirty when completely necessary - while his mini-army of versatile (and powerful in their own right) lackeys use their combined powers, skills and intellects to devise the ultimate scheme to counter their heroic opposites. So there you have it - ten villains to form the perfect Marvel Cinematic Universe version of the Masters of Evil. Granted, this is certainly a pipe-dream, but do you agree it would be cool? Which other characters would you include in the team if it was up to you? Let us know in the comments area below!
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.