10 Marvel Universe Villains Who Should Unite To Form The Masters Of Evil

10. Abomination

Following his defeat at the hands of the Hulk in 2008's The Incredible Hulk movie, Emil Blonsky AKA the Abomination was taken into custody by General Ross and the United States military and held in a cryocell located at a facility in remote Barrow, Alaska. The character has since been mentioned in the Avengers prelude comic, the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. television series and, most notably, the Marvel One-Shot "The Consultant". In The Consultant, it was stated that Blonksy had been considered for membership in the Avengers by the World Security Council, but Tony Stark, Phil Coulson and Jasper Sitwell suggested that he was too dangerous and he remains imprisoned. This rejection could give Blonsky all the incentive needed to join a villainous team set up to oppose the superhero ensemble. If a villain was to approach him in his cell and offer him freedom for his service, Blonsky would be unlikely to turn the offer down and could provide the muscle for the Masters of Evil.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.