10 Marvel Universe Villains Who Should Unite To Form The Masters Of Evil

6. Baron Von Strucker

Very little is known about the Marvel Cinematic Universe version of Baron Strucker - other than the fact he exists (given his cameo in the mid-credits scene of Captain America: The Winter Soldier). One thing that is known is the fact he has Loki's scepter in his possession and the "twins" (Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch) imprisoned in a cell - though they are evidently going to be freed from said imprisonment come the release of Avengers: Age of Ultron. However, if he's anything like the Baron Strucker from the comic books, he could be a real asset to the Masters of Evil. That version of the character is a master tactician who uses a HYDRA-made serum similar to Captain America's to remain in peak physical condition. He is a highly capable fighter, a master of disguise and his "Satan Claw" enables him to fire powerful blasts of energy and enhances his physical statistics further. Given that he is in possession of Loki's scepter, he could also be instrumental in the recruitment of this next guy...
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.