10 Marvel Universe Villains Who Should Unite To Form The Masters Of Evil

7. Justin Hammer

As a powerless, cowardly human, Hammer himself would offer nothing on a physical level to a potential Masters of Evil team. However, he could be brought in as a lackey with the promise of power and wealth and - given his current predicament (he's in Seagate Prison following on from his compliance with the villain Ivan Vanko) - he would likely jump at the chance to join the team. He could be forced to build an army of drones for the team, given his previous exploits as CEO of Hammer Industries, countering the threat of Iron Man and giving the team some extra general muscle, whilst also providing some comic relief given the inevitable nature of his lackey treatment as a mere human existing amongst powerful supervillains.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.