10 Marvel Universe Villains Who Should Unite To Form The Masters Of Evil

4. Ultron

With Ultron's inclusion in next year's Avengers: Age of Ultron comes the robotic member of a potential Marvel Cinematic Universe version of the Masters of Evil. It seems likely that Ultron would personally take Justin Hammer on board as his servant, demanding that the former CEO of Hammer Industries aids him in the mass production of drones with combined Ultron-tech and Hammer-tech, potentially removing the flaws from each design and making the ultimate mechanical army. Hammer failed to genuinely oppose Iron Man in Iron Man 2 and Ultron will inevitably fail in Age of Ultron, so a team-up as part of the Masters of Evil could serve as a means to rectify both failures, while Ultron would inevitably add a lot of power to the team by his own inclusion within it (and any excuse to reuse James Spader would be okay in the fans' eyes).
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.