10 Marvel Universe Villains Who Should Unite To Form The Masters Of Evil

3. Loki

It probably goes without saying that any supervillain team-up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe would include the golden boy Loki. The character is arguably the next most popular behind the flagship character that is Tony Stark and any chance to utilise him to boost a movie's ratings will likely be exploited. That said, very few people would complain about that because he is indeed a great character. Loki brings with him otherworldly experience and power that very few other characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe can offer. He is a formidable hand-to-hand fighter, thanks largely to his Asgardian/Frost Giant physiology, but also due to a very evident combat skill-set, and he also brings a decent amount of magic to the table. His inclusion would also bring with it an air of unpredictability. Loki's agenda is very rarely clear and he would likely have an ulterior motive for joining the Masters of Evil (one that would generally involve him using others to defeat the Avengers, becoming all powerful and ditching his new comrades as a result) and that would make things even more interesting.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.