10 Marvel Villains That Deserve The Joker Film Treatment

7. Typhoid Mary

Carnage Movie
Marvel Comics

Unlike the preceding names on this list, Typhoid Mary is actually a decent villain that could fit well into a future MCU film. Typically featured as a Daredevil adversary, Mary Walker's struggles with her mental health can build the foundation for an intriguing film.

Although we've seen her in Iron Fist, Mary Walker's dissociative identity disorder and four personalities deserve exploration on the big screen. As an unreliable narrator, her story is ripe for a tale similar to Shutter Island or Memento.

Like Joker, this story could be told with Daredevil's reputation driving the story yet keeping his presence minimal (similar to how the Wayne's influenced most of Joker's plot yet Bruce and Thomas were kept to the sidelines). Mary could be on a quest to right the wrongs she believed Daredevil committed, only to discover her other personalities are to blame.


Nick Dauk hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.