10 Marvel Villains That Deserve The Joker Film Treatment

5. The Hood

Carnage Movie

Parker Robins has a magical cloak and boots he took after slaying a demon and his goal is to become the kingpin of crime in the city by uniting villains under his command. As The Hood, he has a decent track record that could make him a worthy dark horse candidate for a future MCU film.

While the sci-fi element could be fun, retaining the “mystery” of The Hood would be a good film like in The Usual Suspects. Focus the story on a group of mid-level thugs planning a coup while detectives try to pin down who really is the elusive Hood.

This also opens up the opportunity to feature heavy hitters like Silvermane, Hammerhead, or Tombstone with other low-level villains or lesser-known Marvel characters giving this world some depth. A twist like in The Usual Suspects offers the chance to make a traditionally silly Marvel villain get a reboot with the big reveal at the end of the film.


Nick Dauk hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.