10 Marvel Villains That Deserve The Joker Film Treatment

2. Mister Sinister

Carnage Movie
Marvel Comics

There are few villains in the Marvel lineup that deserve to be on the silver screen as much as Mister Sinister. While all fans agree that big names like the Green Goblin, Doctor Doom, and Magneto should be reintroduced into the MCU, we still haven't gotten any incarnation of Mister Sinister in a movie.

Which is exactly why a solo film ala Joker would be ideal. The title card "Sinister" will give fans goosebumps alone.

Before he was Mister Sinister, Nathaniel Essex was a biologist in the 1800s, digging up graves and experimenting on homeless people with his group of Marauders. Take a few liberties with the timeline and his story would be perfect for a Jack the Ripper-framed film.

Tell the story through the eyes of a Marauder who takes part in Essex's transition from scientist to something far more sinister. With Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness assumedly losing much of its horror element, a Mister Sinister film is Marvel's chance to dive into the dark corners of Essex's more disturbing chapters.


Nick Dauk hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.