10 Massive Movie Franchises With No Interesting Characters
1. Twilight

This might be more of a personal opinion, but the only interesting character in the entire Twilight Saga is the CGI baby, just because of how f*cking terrifying it is.
The franchise may have spawned a rabid fandom ranging from the intended target audience to some cougars that were looking to do a little imprinting of their own, hauling in a mammoth $3.36bn at the box office in the process, but the extended ensemble of the sparkling undead all slotted interchangeably into paint-by-numbers characters in an even more paint-by-numbers plot.
Robert Pattinson hasn't been shy in revealing his thoughts on Twilight now that he's a critically-acclaimed independent darling and also Batman, but while the books weren't exactly troubling the Booker Prize's judging panel, bringing such hollow and vapid characters to the big screen was the ideal time to apply even the faintest hint of creative license.
Instead, the saga remained all-too-faithful to the source material we ended up with a bizarre franchise that fans would have killed somebody over, but left everybody else feeling as cold as whatever is left in the Cullen clan's veins.
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