10 Massive Movie Franchises With No Interesting Characters

9. The Chronicles of Narnia

Resident Evil 2002

Who would have thought that three painfully dull movies in a row that boasted more life in their CGI creations than the actual actors on the screen would have caused a franchise to splutter out when there were still four books to go, besides anyone with a brain?

Box office takings dropped by over $300m between the second and first installments alone, and while Tilda Swinton gets pass marks as she always does for being one of the finest talents around, the rest of the live-action ensemble simply faded into the background against their pixelated counterparts with celebrity voices.

Big-budget fantasy franchises have always had a patchy track record when it comes to casting their young stars, and while there's every chance they may have grown into the roles should the train have kept on rolling, the Pevensie clan and Prince Caspian turned out to be the human equivalent of the color beige.

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Resident Evil
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