10 Massive Movie Franchises With No Interesting Characters
8. The Da Vinci Code

Airport novel extraordinaire Dan Brown's most popular book became the subject of a blockbuster 'Tom Hanks walking around' franchise that audiences quickly lost interest in, with the first movie's $760m haul at the box office quickly dwindling to a mere $220m by the time Inferno arrived less than a decade later.
Obviously it didn't help that the movies themselves were generally terrible, and somehow the scripts conspired to make the characters in each movie thinner than the paper they were originally printed on, and when you consider the talent involved in the multi-billion series it seems incredible that not a single one of them left any sort of impact.
As well as Hanks, at various points we saw Ian McKellen, Alfred Molina, Jean Reno, Paul Bettany, Ewan McGregor, Stellan Skarsgard, Felicity Jones and Ben Foster, all of whom are supremely talented actors, but couldn't be a*sed doing anything else besides completely phone it in.