10 Massive Movie Franchises With No Interesting Characters
4. Transformers

You could make the argument that the human aspect didn't matter much when the Transformers franchise was much more concerned with watching gigantic alien robots kick the sh*t out of each other, but it at least would have been helpful if the Earthlings that anchored the plot actually had some degree of personality about them.
Instead, they shout and run and run and shout, occasionally stopping to drop a one-liner or witty aside before being shunted to the background in favor of barely-comprehensible CGI mayhem that made a real attempt at actively trying to detach your retinas from your head in an effort to try and keep up with just what the hell was going on.
Michael Bay basically replaced everyone for the fourth and fifth installments and nobody gave a sh*t, although thankfully Josh Duhamel was kept on board as the iconic Generic Military Guy. Almost everyone in the extended ensemble is either comic relief, an officer or a suit of some kind, a tenuous associate of the hero or a combination of the three, and they'll all be getting replaced again in the inevitable reboot and people still won't care.