10 Massive Movie Predictions For The Rest Of 2016

8. Suicide Squad Outgrosses Batman V Superman

Suicide Squad The Joker
Warner Bros.

The early box office tracking for Suicide Squad suggests that it's going to gross $125+ million in its U.S. opening weekend, which could see it not only beat Deadpool (which opened to $132.4 million) but eventually also the much more recognisable Batman v Superman.

While BvS' opening weekend was a substantially stronger $166 million, its box office very quickly fell off a cliff due to poor reviews and mixed word of mouth, resulting in a surprising $872.7 million final gross when most analysts predicted it effortlessly sailing past the $1 billion mark.

While Suicide Squad may or may not cross $1 billion itself, it has a strong chance of outgrossing BvS if reviews and word of mouth are strong, essentially winning audiences on the basis of its originality and personality, much like Guardians of the Galaxy.

With the tracking numbers so far, don't be surprised if Suicide Squad ends up somewhere in the vicinity of $900-950 million, but it really depends on how the film is received on the whole.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.