10 Massive Movie Twists That Were Secretly Obvious
We really should have noticed all this foreshadowing.

Movies with twists - everyone loves them. The experience of expecting one thing and then being drawn in a completely unpredictable direction is a unique feeling. Witnessing that shock reveal, and the way it affects the narrative from that point onwards, is one of the finest joys that cinema has to offer.
Sometimes, though, when re-watching a favourite twist-based movie, you'll notice some serious foreshadowing that you missed the first time around. Some movies throw in subtle nods towards the film's conclusion, while others include blatant signposts for how everything's going to turn out. However big or small, we often miss these moments the first time around.
Noticing these teases on second viewing is often enough to make us feel stupid. How did I not clock that the first time? Was I dozing off, not paying complete attention, or simply being an idiot? Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference, when you notice that a twist that got you hook, line and secret was actually pretty obvious.
Here are ten examples of this infuriating phenomenon - twists that were foreshadowed so blatantly that we really should have seen them coming. Consider yourself warned, though, every page in his article contains spoilers. Obviously.