10 MCU Actors Who Were Utterly Wasted

8. Jude Law

Thor love and thunder gorr the god butcher
Marvel Studios

Appearing as Yon-Rogg in 2019's Captain Marvel, Jude Law's Kree villain was anything other than interesting.

For as talented an actor Law is, starring in the likes of Martin Scorsese's Hugo and Wes Anderson's The Grand Budapest Hotel, it is a real shame to see how underutilised the actor was in the MCU with Captain Marvel. Having under 12 minutes of screen time, Law's Yon-Rogg was limited to a few bland and mostly uneventful action scenes, before he became Captain Marvel's punching bag in the final third of the film, after he was revealed to be the most predictable bait-and-switch villain in the Marvel universe.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Law mentioned that his Sherlock co-star, Robert Downey Jr., told him not to worry about the intricacies of the MCU. "He [Downey Jr.] talked a little bit about how fitting this one piece into a bigger picture that someone else has got their eyes on, and giving yourself over to that. It’s not about trying to understand everything. Just do your piece." Clearly, Jude Law never got too involved in the broader story of the MCU, and with his character kicking the bucket by the end of the film, the actor likely will not return to the universe.


Star Wars fanatic. Marvel lover. DC enjoyer.