10 MCU Castings Everyone Expects To Happen

7. Penn Badgley - Reed Richards

Giancarlo Esposito Professor X
Netflix & Marvel

The search for the MCU's Reed Richards has perhaps been the franchise's single most-discussed casting hunt of recent times, and though John Krasinski has been a hotly tipped favourite for years, his recent appearance as a Reed Richards variant in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness casts doubt on that.

It remains to be seen whether Feige simply cast Krasinski in this ill-fated role as a one-off wink to fans eager to see him in the role, or if it's actually teeing him up to legitimately playing the prime version of Mister Fantastic.

Most signs point to Krasinski not playing the role going forward, though, especially with all the dogged rumours that the part will instead be played by You star Penn Badgley.

Numerous insiders have pointed to Badgley either being down to the final few actors vying for the role or having already won it outright, and given the consistent acclaim he's received for his work on You, he'd certainly be an inspired, slightly unexpected choice for Reed Richards.

It's incredibly easy to picture him and Jodie Comer as the superhero power couple, so there's little reason to doubt it being announced soon enough.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.