10 MCU Castings Everyone Expects To Happen

5. Norman Reedus - Ghost Rider

Giancarlo Esposito Professor X
AMC & Marvel

Fans have been hoping to see Ghost Rider show up in the MCU for quite some time now, especially given a certain note-perfect piece of fan casting that easily sells itself.

The Walking Dead's Norman Reedus has been right at the top of most fans' casting list for Ghost Rider for literally years at this point, because let's face it, Norman Reedus has basically been auditioning for the part his entire life.

Between his badass look and real-life love of motorcycles, Reedus fits Johnny Blaze to the letter, and considering his oft-stated enthusiasm for the character, his desire to play the part evidently hasn't waned one bit over the years.

Plus, with Reedus wrapping production on The Walking Dead earlier this year, there won't be any pesky scheduling issues preventing him from taking the part in the future.

Sometimes fan casting feels obvious and lazy, and sometimes it just hits the nail on the head. In this case it's most certainly the latter.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.