10 MCU Characters Who Died Way Too Soon
8. Quicksilver
When Quicksilver (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) was introduced alongside his sister Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) in Captain America: The Winter Soldier's post-credits scene, it was understandably assumed that the Maximoff twins would both be major MCU fixtures moving forward.
However, Joss Whedon decided to subvert everyone's expectations just for the sake of it, by having poor Pietro turned into Swiss cheese by Ultron (James Spader) in the climax of his coming-out party, Avengers: Age of Ultron.
The problem with this is that the audience wasn't given much time to care about Quicksilver, and so his death ultimately meant very little.
Whedon was basically being a little too smart for his own good here, blatantly setting up Hawkeye's (Jeremy Renner) demise only to pull a swerve at the last minute , complete with the groan-worthily snarky line from Quickie, "You didn't see that coming?"
Having Pietro survive Age of Ultron to instead die in Civil War would've given audiences a whole other movie to get to know him, while also lending the shockingly bloodless Civil War some actual, tangible stakes.
Given that the MCU Quicksilver was thoroughly smoked by Evan Peters' version in Fox's X-Men franchise, few will decry the fact that he died, but Whedon sadly made virtually no effort for it to actually mean something.