10 MCU Credits Scenes That Haven't Gone Anywhere (Yet)

1. Hercules Goes After Thor - Thor: Love & Thunder

Spider Man No Way Home Venom
Marvel Studios

And the final stunt cameo on this list came during Thor: Love and Thunder's mid-credits scene, where back in Omnipotence City, Zeus (Russell Crowe) is revealed to have survived his encounter with Thor (Chris Hemsworth).

More to the point, after monologuing about superheroes taking the place of ancient gods, Zeus instructs his son Hercules to kill Thor, at which point Hercules is revealed to be played by Ted Lasso star Brett Goldstein.

Seeing Roy Kent of all people show up in an MCU movie was certainly good for a laugh, though it was tough to tell whether this just a one-off gag or a genuine hint at Hercules being the primary antagonist in a potential fifth Thor movie.

Now, it's admittedly been less than a year since Love and Thunder was released, but given both the popularity of Thor as a character and Goldstein's rising star status in Hollywood, Kevin Feige would certainly be smart to strike while the iron is hot on this one.

All the same, it's highly unlikely that Thor 5 comes together for at least a few more years, and so it's ultimately just as probable that this ends up being a stinger that's never picked up. Boo.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.