10 MCU Credits Scenes That Haven't Gone Anywhere (Yet)

2. Adrian Toomes Meets Mac Gargan - Spider-Man: Homecoming

Spider Man No Way Home Venom
Sony Pictures Releasing

Perhaps the single most infuriating and talked-about credits scene that fans are still waiting to see addressed is the meeting between Adrian Toomes aka Vulture (Michael Keaton) and Mac Gargan aka Scorpion (Michael Mando) in Spider-Man: Homecoming.

In the film's mid-credits scene, an imprisoned Gargan approaches Toomes and mentions that he has some "friends" who would love to meet Spider-Man, while mentioning that he heard Toomes knows who Spider-Man is - a rumour that Toomes then denies.

It was clear as day that this scene was teasing the formation of the Sinister Six to face off against Spidey in a sequel, but six years and two Spider-Man movies later, the MCU still hasn't circled back to it.

The closest thing we got was the supervillain team-up in Spider-Man: No Way Home, but that was very clearly not the Sinister Six, and featured neither Vulture nor Scorpion.

While we briefly saw Toomes show up in Morbius - albeit in totally confusing fashion - Gargan hasn't been heard from since Homecoming.

With a fourth Spider-Man movie currently in the early stages of development, we could see Kevin Feige finally pull the trigger on the Sinister Six somehow, and it'd certainly be long, long overdue.

By the time Spider-Man 4 realistically hits cinemas, it'll likely have been around a decade since Toomes and Gargan had their apparently fateful meeting.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.