10 MCU Credits Scenes That Haven't Gone Anywhere (Yet)

8. A Mob Confronts The Grandmaster - Thor: Ragnarok

Spider Man No Way Home Venom
Marvel Studios

Thor: Ragnarok ended with the Grandmaster (Jeff Goldblum) being defeated and his reign on Sakaar overthrown by the assembled revolutionaries.

In the film's post-credits scene, we then saw Grandmaster emerge before his former subjects and insincerely praise them on their revolution before giving himself credit for stirring them to action. Finally, he calls the battle a tie, and we cut to black.

Given the popularity of Jeff Goldblum's eccentric performance in Ragnarok, many understandably hoped to see him return in sequel Thor: Love and Thunder, and though his casting was initially confirmed, he ultimately didn't show up.

It was later revealed that Goldblum did shoot a small role in Love and Thunder but it was cleaved from the final cut, and because Taika Waititi felt that the deleted scenes were deleted for a reason, he opted not to release the Grandmaster scene for home video.

Yet a concept artist who worked on the film later released a few images which teased Grandmaster's role - he would've appeared in exile on the Moon of Shame, where Thor (Chris Hemsworth) battled Gorr (Christian Bale), and briefly interacted with Thor, Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), and Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson).

Most curiously, Grandmaster also appears to sport robotic limbs in the concept art, if not an entirely robotic body, presumably the result of Sakaar's revolutionaries taking him to task following Ragnarok's post-credits scene.

But because we never saw the scene realised in the final film, it's not strictly canon and may result in Grandmaster re-appearing in a wholly different capacity in the future. Or much worse, that may ultimately be the last we ever see of him and his fate will never be confirmed either way.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.