10 MCU Mistakes You Can NEVER Unsee
5. Smile For The Camera! (Thor: Ragnarok)
Thor: Ragnarok is one of the funniest movies in the MCU, but at the same time, it also contains one of the franchise's darkest events, with Thor's home getting completely annihilated by Surtur at the end of the movie.
It's during this sequence that we find our next mistake. When Asgard gets blown to smithereens and Korg quips "those foundations are gone - sorry", there's a shot of the surviving citizens gazing forlornly at their fallen planet (above).
At a glance, there's nothing unusual about this shot, but look a little closer and you'll spot something out of the ordinary. More specifically, take a look at this fella at the back of the crowd (below), who stares right into the camera for the majority of the shot, which lasts for a good few seconds.
Hilariously, he then tries to brush it off and look away from the camera, but too late buddy! We noticed.
Either this man was determined to end up on a movie mistakes list one day, or he simply started daydreaming mid-shoot, and accidentally stared down the lens.