10 MCU Movies Blatantly Inspired By Other Movies

8. The Incredible Hulk/Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde

Captain Marvel Top Gun
Marvel Studios

The amount of pre and even post Victorian science fiction and fantasy monster stories that have played a part in the creation of The Incredible Hulk is almost too innumerable to count. However, if you know thing one about the story, then there's one monster tale that you can draw a direct through-line straight to The Hulk: The Strange Case Of Doctor Jekyll And Mr. Hyde.

Obvious, right? Now the only question is which movie version of the story do we choose? And the answer is really simple: all of them. It's kinda hard not to go with that option, considering that Jekyll and Hyde is one of the most adapted story ideas in the history of fiction. Every kid knew at least three different cartoons growing up that ran with this idea for an episode or two, because it really is just such a good idea for a story.

Stevenson's Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde play an integral part in the creation of The Incredible Hulk, just as much as Shelly's Frankenstein played a part, as well as any other number of monster stories and tales of science gone mad eventually culminated into this character.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?