10 MCU Trailer Moments That Broke The Internet

6. Captain America Vs Thanos - Avengers: Infinity War

Spider-Man No Way Home
Marvel Studios

For years Thanos was the most ominous and threatening force the Marvel universe had yet to face. His presence was felt in every film as each movie slowly built up his role as the true villain of the MCU.

And then Infinity War finally got its trailer, and when were finally able to see Josh Brolin as the menacing figure in full force. Thanos seemed invincible throughout the whole thing; many of Marvel’s strongest heroes struggle against him yet never manage to make a dent.

All of this culminates in a brief encounter with Steve Rogers. A moment where Captain America uses all his might to try and fight back against the Infinity Gauntlet. And even though Thanos looks undisturbed, Steve continues to struggle with everything he has, concluding in one final scream that sent chills down the spines of fans worldwide.

It’s a perfect moment that proved Thanos isn’t just another MCU villain. This was someone to be feared. Someone who could shake the very essence of Marvel as we know it.


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