10 Mediocre Movies Made Awesome By Their Twist

5. Extinction - The Invaders Are Human, And The Humans Are Robots

mila kunis book of eli

Extinction is your average alien invasion movie. A family fights for survival in a War of the Worlds style nightmare, where forces from outer space come to steal Earth for their own and wipe out humanity in the process. It's the normal storyline we've seen a thousand times before - or at least, that's what you'd think to begin with.

Elevating it to new heights by dropping a mad twist in the middle that isn't signposted at all, turns out that the human family we're rooting for isn't human at all. They're full of wires and flashy bits, actually sentient artificial intelligence that has been memory wiped after winning a war against humanity many years ago.

And if that wasn't enough to blow your socks off, then the revelation that the invaders are the humans, coming back to steal their home planet from the machines they created should have you barefoot in no time. If you ever wanted a living embodiment of that incredulous man blinking meme, this is 100% it.

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Ender's Game
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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.