10 Memorable Deaths From TERRIBLE Horror Movies

7. Steamroller Girl - Maximum Overdrive

House of Wax 2005 Paris Hilton
De Laurentiis Entertainment Group

Stephen King's Maximum Overdrive was the prolific author's attempt at making his own feature film. And while the movie is better known for its campy trailer starring King himself and the Green Goblin truck, one scene does succeed in making the audience wince in pain.

One of the biggest taboos in the horror genre back in the day, is killing a child. However, Maximum Overdrive doesn't pull its punches as it features a brutal death scene of a youngster.

When the inanimate objects start killing a local baseball coach and his little-league team, an imposing steamroller crashes through a backboard. One of the kids falls from her bike and, as the object slowly approaches her, we see the child get crushed by the steamroller - complete with the sound of her bones being crushed.

Understandably, the scene was heavily censored as the uncut version showed more the child's head popping. Yet despite this, Maximum Overdrive still deserves some props for including such a shocking, memorable death scene in a mainstream horror movie.

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Loves film, games, and music. Collects Predator figures from time to time and a huge Sonic fan.