10 Memorable Deaths From TERRIBLE Horror Movies
6. Paige - House Of Wax (2005)
2005's House of Wax was a remake nobody asked for, and fan reception got even worse due to the casting of Paris Hilton. You see, the heiress was at the peak of her popularity at that time, and with her fame came many who absolutely hated her. So, seeing Hilton's involvement in a remake of a beloved horror movie was a big red flag for horror fans.
Thankfully, both Warner Bros. and Paris were self-aware enough to create a marketing campaign titled 'See Paris Die', which promised audiences that they would be able to see Hilton get killed on-screen. She even created a line of t-shirts in conjunction with that campaign.
And so as the slogan promised, Paris' Paige does get killed during the middle of House of Wax. In a lengthy sequence against the sinister Vincent, Paige seems safe... until the killer throws a pipe that impales her in the forehead.
It's a grisly death for the heiress, one that was met with cheers from audiences, and so if there's one thing you will remember from the House of Wax remake, it was seeing Paris Hilton's on-screen death.