10 Michael Keaton Movies You've Never Even Heard Of

7. Speechless

What is it?: The inspired pairing of Keaton and Geena Davis in a political comedy that somehow failed to get the vote from critics. In election year 1994 MGM put its weight behind this candidate for box office success. The plot focused on a relationship between two speechwriters, who naturally scribbled away for warring senatorial hopefuls. Keaton and Davis, both versatile and charismatic stars, were seen as potential onscreen dynamite. They also had to contend with their ex-lovers: Die Hard's Bonnie Bedelia and Christopher Reeve respectively. You could say this was the original Batman v Superman. Director Ron Underwood had brought us wild worm adventure Tremors, so should have proved at adept at bringing us a story of big politicial beasts. Unfortunately it wasn't to be, and the leads' policy on work soon flip-flopped. Davis made it to the Oval Office a different way in TV show Commander In Chief. Keaton had his highs, but overall his engine ticked over until the script for Birdman landed on his mat.

I am a journalist and comedian who enjoys American movies of the 70s, Amicus horror compendiums, Doctor Who, Twin Peaks, Naomi Watts and sitting down. My short fiction has been published as part of the Iris Wildthyme range from Obverse Books.