10 Michael Keaton Movies You've Never Even Heard Of

4. Noah's Ark: The New Beginning

What is it?: Keaton listened to God, and the result left him in the wilderness. You'd be forgiven for not knowing about Noah's Ark: The New Beginning as it's still to be completed, having been announced way back in 2012. Promenade Pictures were behind the sacred cartoon, and Keaton was joined in the recording booth by Harden, Ben Kingsley, Eliza Dushku, Elliott Gould and Transformers legend Frank Welker. Images for this film aren't generally available, so here's a shot representing Keaton's reaction when asked if he wanted to play Noah in an animated Biblical feature. Yes Michael that's right - you're the guy we want to lead those animals in two by two! Whether the ship will ever sail on this project is in the lap of the gods, but CGI as a rule doesn't date too well, so they might want to pray the money comes together on time. The movie is also notable for being a near miss for Keaton, something he has a slight track record for. He was offered the part of Jack Shephard in Lost, and almost landed another, bigger Jack, namely Captain Sparrow, in Pirates Of The Caribbean. As we all know the Jack he did wind up with was Frost, in the fun-deficient flick of the late Nineties.

I am a journalist and comedian who enjoys American movies of the 70s, Amicus horror compendiums, Doctor Who, Twin Peaks, Naomi Watts and sitting down. My short fiction has been published as part of the Iris Wildthyme range from Obverse Books.