10 Milestones That Must Happen In The Amazing Spider-Man 3
8. We Need Peter To Confront Uncle Ben's Killer
Speaking of Uncle Ben, then, both The Amazing Spider-Man and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 have - for some reason - jettisoned the idea of wrapping up the identity of Uncle Ben's killer. Though it isn't an entirely necessary point to explore, it just feels like another lingering plotline that should have been wrapped up a while ago - without the loose ends tied up, the franchise feels somewhat weighed down by various unresolved narrative strands. Which is, as you'll probably agree, entirely frustrating. What's more, given that the Uncle Ben plotline seems a little underdeveloped anyway, given the casual way in which the writers brushed over the importance of such an event, the identify of Uncle Ben's killer provided one of the comic book's most iconic moments; to bypass it - or ignore it completely, in fact - only serves to undermine Spider-Man's purpose and integrity as a superhero.
Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.