10 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About Atlantis: The Lost Empire

8. It Is Estimated To Have The Highest Body Count In Any Animated Disney Movie.

Atlantis Facts

Despite its main demographic being children, Disney doesn’t hold back when creating scenes of mass murder in their movies.

Atlantis is clearly a more adult picture than many other Disney works, with the storyline and themes tailored for older audiences. As such, it's perhaps not surprising that estimates place Atlantis with the highest death count of any movie within the canon of Disney animated classics.

It's surprising when you consider the other features within the company - for example, Treasure Planet's opening prologue when the Arcturian treasure ship was raided and destroyed, or during the Titan-Olympian War in Hercules, where many inhabitants of Greece died.

So how does it all add up for Atlantis: The Lost Empire?

There were fourteen deaths in the final battle between the Atlantean’s and Rourke’s mercenaries, including the King of Atlantis himself. One hundred and seventy one members of the expeditionary crew were killed by the Leviathan.

But what tips the scale is during the movie’s prologue when Atlantis sinks after the Mount Thera eruption. Just from that incident alone, there's approximately 35,000 deaths. Perhaps because there's so much to take in during the beginning sequence, the high death count often escapes viewers.

And you thought the avalanche killing over a thousand soldiers because of Mulan was extreme.


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