10 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About Atlantis: The Lost Empire

2. The Culture, Symbolism And Imagery Of Atlantis Is Deliberately Muddled

Atlantis Facts
Buena Vista Pictures

Atlantis makes the suggestion that all civilisations across the world are rooted towards one master-civilisation that existed several million years ago. It became the drive for what the culture and architecture of the lost Atlantis would appear like. The production team focused on this, wanting their version of the city to appear more than just a set of Greek columns that have faded away underwater.

The artistic directors took ideas from several civilisations and countries, making it more difficult to decipher what the Atlantic society is inspired by, given it takes from a huge amount of cultures. This included architecture from Mayan, Cambodian, Indian and Tibetan works.

There are plenty of examples littered amongst the storyline. For example, Milo’s vehicle in the final fight scene is reminiscent of a sculpture found in excavations of Egypt. And at one point, Kida mentions that Atlantis was sunken by Gods, which may imply that Atlanteans are Polynesian.

Most notably, they took from the writings of Edgar Cayce to incorporate their ideas – notably that of a mother-crystal which provides power, healing and longevity to the Atlanteans.


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