10 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About The DCEU

3. Dwayne Johnson Is One Of The Franchise's Longest-Serving Actors, Despite Not Appearing Onscreen Yet

Batman V Sueprman Bale
Warner Bros.

Most actors who join superhero franchises - especially those in a leading role - sign multi-picture deals, ensuring that they are committed to playing their character in sequels and spinoffs. This means that as long as the movies are successful, we see these actors stick around for many years and many movies.

But Dwayne Johnson and the DCEU have a much different relationship. Yes, he signed a deal to play Black Adam and yes, we'll probably see him in multiple movies, but bizarrely, the actor has yet to make a single onscreen appearance, despite being cast as the character all the way back in September 2014.

That's five years and one month of Johnson playing a character... who he hasn't actually played yet. Interestingly, that timeframe actually makes him one of the DCEU's longest-serving actors, up there with Jason Momoa (cast in June 2014), Margot Robbie (cast in December 2014), Gal Gadot (cast in December 2013) and Ezra Miller (cast in October 2014).

Fortunately, a Black Adam film is currently in the works, and recently took a big step forward when it hired a director in The Shallows' Jaume Collet-Serra.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.