10 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About The DCEU

2. Christian Bale Was Considered For A Role In Batman V Superman

Batman V Sueprman Bale
Warner Bros.

Given the immense popularity and success of the Dark Knight trilogy, it was always going to be a tough job for the next onscreen version of Batman to win the hearts of fans. Before Ben Affleck was cast, there were even rumours that Warner Bros was going to ask Christian Bale to come back, the studio seemingly wary of having someone else don the cowl so soon.

But in truth, Bale isn't the kind of actor who joins big franchises or does things "for the money," and it's honestly unlikely that we'll ever see him in a comic-book adaptation ever again. But that hasn't stopped him from being fan-cast, and it also hasn't stopped filmmakers considering him for roles in superhero projects.

On that note, Zack Snyder once revealed that he thought about casting Bale in Batman V Superman. Speaking to Film Ink in 2016, the director said that the idea of getting Bale to join the film was briefly discussed - although he was never on the table to play Batman:

“This is a total and opposite reality from the Chris Nolan movies. It’s another universe, so we couldn’t hire Christian Bale [as Batman] if we wanted to, because he doesn’t exist in our world. Maybe we could hire him to play another part. We did talk about that briefly."

Snyder went on to mention that he received some pressure from Warner Bros to cast people from the Nolan films, which does lend more credence to that aforementioned rumour of Bale as Batman.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.