10 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About The MCU

5. Vin Diesel Gets Special Groot Scripts That Reveal His Dialogue

Titanic movie Thanos
Marvel Studios

Groot doesn't say a whole lot in the Guardians movies or in Infinity War, and it's obviously not the most taxing job Vin Diesel has ever been asked to do.

But rather than having the actor show up to record his one line over and over again - I AM GROOOOOOT! - with no context for what his character is thinking or feeling, James Gunn (director of the first two Guardians movies) opted to give Diesel a bit more information while shooting Vol. 2.

On Twitter, Gunn revealed that a special Groot version of the script was printed, and in it, all of Diesel's lines were translated into English.

Since only Gunn and Diesel have this information, exactly what Groot is trying to say in any movie hasn't been revealed to the public yet (besides his final Infinity War line).

All we have to go on are the times when other characters react to what Groot is saying - most notably, when Rocket replies to a few of his lines by essentially repeating them back to him.

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.