10 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About The MCU

6. The MCU Is Worth More Than Transformers, Star Wars And The DCEU Combined

Titanic movie Thanos
Marvel Studios

Since its inception, the MCU has gone from modest $300 and $400 million worldwide grosses to a consistent streak of $500 million-plus hits, and it's now at the point where other studios are moving their movies out of the way of Marvel's, for fear of being overshadowed.

To put it simply, the MCU is one hell of a money-maker, and its impressive overall statistics are more dominating than you might think.

With a combined worldwide gross of $17.3 billion, the MCU is the highest-grossing movie franchise of all time, by some margin. That lofty figure gives the universe some major bragging rights, especially when you factor in that it's made more than several other huge franchises combined together.

Star Wars (including animations and re-issues) has made $9.4 billion, the DCEU has made $3.7 billion, and Transformers (including the animated movie) has made $4.3 billion. That's $17.4 billion, so a little over the MCU's $17.3 billion, but with Ant-Man and the Wasp releasing in China very soon, the MCU will officially pass the collective total gross of the Star Wars, DCEU and Transformers movie brands.

That's. Insane.

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