10 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About The MCU

3. A British Tourist Lied His Way To A Role In Iron Man

Titanic movie Thanos

You know those times when your best friend comes back off a holiday or a trip and they have a series of wild, implausible stories that are really hard to believe? A British man had one such story back when the first Iron Man movie was being filmed, but in this case, it was 100-percent real.

Carl Kelly had jetted off to Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas, where he planned to watch Ricky Hatton fight Jose Luis Castillo in June 2007. While wandering the famous hotel, he spotted a section of the casino that was cut off from the public.

As you probably guessed, this is where Jon Favreau and his Iron Man crew were shooting the casino scene from early in the film. While he was observing the production, a security guard asked Kelly to produce a pass, which prompted Kelly to lie, stating that he'd left it in a nearby empty chair.

Unbelievably, the guard bought this story. Kelly ventured forward and sat in the chair, and suddenly found himself shoulder-to-shoulder with the stars of the film, including RDJ himself. But it didn't end there.

Kelly told the other extras that he was an impostor, and they kept the truth a secret. Eventually, a makeup artist came over and began giving him a once-over, and the cameras started rolling. Kelly ended up in the publicity stills used to advertise the film (like the one above), and he was even asked by Favreau to interact with Gwyneth Paltrow in a scene, but he kept messing up each take.

Shooting took several hours, causing Kelly to miss his flight home. Presumably, the experience was worth the extra cost!

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.