10 Mind-Blowing Hidden Clues You Never Noticed In Classic Movies

6. The Name "Keyser Soze" Actually Explains Who The Real Villain Is - The Usual Suspects

usual suspects Audiences were left stunned when Bryan Singer's crime thriller The Usual Suspects ended with a plot twist that revealed that the "harmless" narrator of our story, poor crippled Verbal Kint (as played by Kevin Spacey), was actually the criminal mastermind that we'd spent the story fixating on the entire time. And although most us probably didn't guess the twist before the movie ended, Turkish speakers might have had a bit of extra help when it came to figuring it out. You see, the name Keyser Soze actually works as a legitimate clue as to the identity of the real Keyser Soze, given that - in Turkish - Soze means "talks too much" or, perhaps translated more closely, "verbal." Of course, Verbal is the name of the character who is in actuality Keyser Soze, which means that all the information anybody needs to nail this was right there in the name. But what were the odds that anybody who spoke Turkish made this connection? I don't know, but rather slim, I'd imagine.

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