10 Mind-Blowing Movie Details You Totally Missed

1. The Times Are Changing - Up

Spider Man

Up is one of Pixar’s finest efforts and frequently ranks at or near the top of lists focused on the best animated films. Equal parts hilarious and poignant, the 2009 Pixar entry is anchored by the winning duo of Carl and Russell, Michael Giacchino’s excellent score and its deft handling of emotionally charged narrative threads.

Its opening scene is one of modern-day cinema’s most charming yet devastating sequences and is a perfect summary of life experiences for a great number of people. Carl and Ellie’s romance is endearing, relatable and heart-wrenching as we see the effects of time on the couple as they build their lives and relationship.

Following its release, fans began to analyze every scene for details about the film, and one fan noticed something profound in the tearjerking sequence. As Carl and Ellie age, the city gradually changes from a growing urban settlement to a bustling metropole.

The town’s development is expected, but the visual still acts as a fitting and somber backdrop to just how long Carl and Ellie’s relationship has taken to grow and flourish. Simultaneously, it also serves as a visual representation of what Carl is trying to avoid, urban/corporate expansion and the fear of being left behind by an increasingly modernized world.

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