10 Mind-Blowing Times Horror Icons Fought Superheroes

6. Judge Dredd Vs Alien

Freddy Vs Stephen
Dark Horse Comics

On a magical day, the stars aligned, the heavens opened, and from what can only be divine intervention, Judge Dredd vs Aliens was born. You only have to look at the cover – starring a bloodthirsty alien screaming at an equally bloodthirsty Dredd – to understand exactly what makes this fight so gosh darn interesting.

Within its first issue, the comic manages to be gorier than at least three of the actual films put together. Yet despite that, it doesn’t feel like too much – as the death-rate of roughly one person per two pages is used to show just how deadly the alien can be.

More importantly, it manages to fit uncannily well into the Judge Dredd universe, which is either a sign of a good writer, a sign of a destined crossover, or both.

Also, there’s a scene in a daycare that manages to be one of the tensest sequences in comic history, so it may be worth checking out for that alone.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.