10 Mind-Numbingly Stupid Lines Of Dialogue From Man of Steel

2. Faora says:

€œA good death is its own reward.€

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Faora utters this throwaway line of garbage towards the end of the film when she is about to kill a random soldier. She turns on the drama for no apparent reason. A good death is its own reward€how? There€™s so much wrong with this dialogue that it€™s making my head hurt. Firstly it makes absolutely no sense. Does Faora mean that an honourable death is its own reward? In which case, couldn€™t she have used a less vague adjective than €˜good€™ to make her point? Clearly Goyer couldn€™t. And how was the soldier€™s death a €˜good death€™ anyway? He was going to be killed whilst making a mockery of himself trying to shoot an alien being that is clearly impervious to bullets. It€™s kind of honourable, I guess. He€™ll die for his country. But I still don€™t see the reward in it. So many people have died in this battle that he probably won€™t even be remembered by the majority anyway. And he didn€™t even achieve anything in the battle. He was cannon fodder. Which makes me wonder why she felt the need to stop and talk to this particular soldier anyway...oh yeah, Superman needed time to save him. This was another lame attempt by Goyer to turn on the Whedon charm€which he clearly doesn€™t have. This line was supposed to sound semi-witty and compelling but turned out horrifically cringe worthy. Even when it came full circle later, it still felt completely ridiculous.

Matthew Murray is an 19 year old film student in New Zealand. He is addicted to music, movies, gaming and television and spends his time feeding the obsession! When he is not writing about these things, he is lining up for these things, talking to people about these things and sitting around dreaming about these things.