10 Minor Characters Who Would've Broken Star Wars

1. Poggle The Lesser

Biggs Star Wars

He's one of Attack of the Clones' many minor characters, but his backstory was fleshed out somewhat in the Clone Wars animated series. Still, Separatist general Poggle the Lesser served a purpose that all but the most hardcore of Star Wars fans will remember: he designed the Death Star.

In a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment near the climax of Attack of the Clones, Dooku instructs the archduke of Geonosis to hand over the plans to the weapon he's been designing for the Sith Lords. The Geonosian flickers the holographic blueprint before handing it over, and we see a fully-formed, recognisable Death Star.

It might seem like a throwaway Easter egg, but its implications are interesting. Poggle the Lesser, the bug-like Geonosian, had practically fully designed the Death Star way back before the outbreak of the Clone Wars, something which scientist Galen Erso later gets credit for in Rogue One.

It's a minor detail, and it's all too easy to sweep under the rug, but the fact remains: Poggle the Lesser started the work which ended in the murder of everyone on the Planet Alderaan, making him one of Star Wars' biggest war criminals.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.