10 Minor Horror Movie Characters Everybody Remembers

9. Holly - The Omen

Get Out Georgina

The Omen is jam-packed full of unforgettable moments, but there's one character who managed to enter the annals of horror movie history within just three minutes of screen time.

Holly (played by Holly Palance, daughter of Hollywood legend Jack Palance) is antichrist Damien's (Harvey Spencer Stephens) nanny while his family are living in England.

Her scant screen time makes pains to illustrate that she's a sweet, attentive young woman, yet it all goes to hell (literally) at Damien's fifth birthday party when she fixes her gaze upon one of Damien's hellhounds, which compels her to hang herself from the roof of the Thorn home.

The hanging itself is spectacularly brutal, especially when juxtaposed against the fun of Damien's party, but what really makes it memorable is Holly shouting to Damien, "Look at me, Damien! It's all for you!," with a euphoric smile on her face before taking the jump.

Holly may have been a fairly indispensable character in the grand scheme of the story, but her savage, intentionally jarring death and Palance's performance combine to ensure nobody who's ever seen The Omen could possibly forget her.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.