10 Minor Horror Movie Characters Everybody Remembers

8. Banana Girl - Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter

Get Out Georgina
Paramount Pictures

The Friday the 13th franchise has featured numerous iconic bit-parts over the years, though perhaps the most beloved single-scene role is that of "Banana Girl" in the series' fourth film, The "Final" Chapter.

Credited merely as "Hitchhiker" (Bonnie Hellman), the character appears for just a minute in the first act of the film, sat on the side of the road and hoping to flag down a charitable driver with her sign "Canada and Love."

The main characters drive past and heckle her, prompting her to flip her sign around to reveal "F**k you!" written on the back, while giving them two middle fingers up.

Banana Girl then sits back down and earns her nickname, grabbing a banana from her backpack and taking a generous mouthful.

At that moment, Jason Voorhees (Ted White) appears and stabs her through the neck with a knife, causing her to take a hard squeeze of the banana as she expires, mouth still full of fruit

The sheer strangeness of a poor woman being brutally killed by Jason while snacking on a banana is enough to make Banana Girl memorable, but she's also one of the more sympathetic of Jason's victims given that she was only passing through the area to get to Canada.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.