10 Misleading Movie Trailers That Scared You Off Amazing Movies

6. Hail, Ceasar!

What The Trailer Sold You:

Another Coen-penned caper where George Clooney -- playing a major motion picture star, of course -- is kidnapped, and a gaggle of assorted studio actors must come together to rescue him. It plays like Burn After Reading 2: Hollywood Boogaloo, and the idea of "The Coens Bring You Yet Another Weird Kidnapping Flick", is fatiguing to even type at this point.

What You Missed:

Hail, Ceasar! does, in fact, feature the aforementioned cutesy caper, though it's merely a sideshow in a film that focuses on the day-to-day life of "studio fixer" Josh Brolin.

Brolin plays a version of real life MGM studio exec Eddie Mannix, who specialized in keeping scandals out of the tabloids during the Golden Age of Hollywood. His job is to put out fires, and there's never a shortage of smoke. An A-list movie star getting kidnapped is just a skipping stone in Mannix's overflowing pond.

Hail, Ceasar! is more like a pastiche than a linear story, lampooning old (and modern) Hollywood at every turn. It's whimsical, it's harried, and it's...sweet, even. Maybe some audiences weren't ready for a full-on parody from The Coens, but cutting the trailer to look like a rehash of their old work probably wasn't the right move, either.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.