10 Modern Action Film Stars Who Failed To Meet Their Potential

10. Jason Momoa

Four years on Stargate Atlantis and ten episodes of Game of Thrones established Jason Momoa as an intense and quietly charismatic screen presence, and the Hawaiian actor certainly possesses the physical attributes necessary to convince as a big-screen action star. However, Momoa's transition to the multiplex hasn't gone as smoothly as many were expecting, and his small list of cinema credits have yet to yield anything memorable. At least until Justice League, anyway... Momoa's first major movie role was as the title character in the ill-fated Conan remake, a pretty terrible movie that gave the actor little to do outside of his impressive sword-wielding abilities that tanked at the box office, earning less than half of the $90m budget. Next up was a villainous turn in the tedious Sylvester Stallone vehicle Bullet to the Head, another commercial failure. Momoa has the charisma and acting ability to be a great action star, but is still waiting for that elusive big-screen breakthrough. After reportedly turning down the role of Drax in Guardians of the Galaxy, the actor will get his shot at a comic book movie thanks to his still yet to be officially confirmed turn as Aquaman in Zack Snyder's upcoming Batman V Superman follow-up.

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