10 Modern Movie Poster Trends That Need To Die

3. Leo's Big Face

Rom Com Posters
Warner Bros/Fox/Miramax/Paramount

Okay, we get it. Leonardo DiCaprio is a very good looking man. It’s understandable that marketers would want to focus on Leo’s presence as a box-office draw, when they come to design the poster for his movies. Unfortunately, this often seems to translate to blowing DiCaprio’s admittedly lovely head up to frightening proportions, so that he overpowers everything else on the page.

If the titles of any of the above movies were removed from the poster, you wouldn’t have the faintest idea what any of them were about, and you’d struggle to even pin down a genre for 75% of them. The Beach and The Departed are particularly vague, revealing absolutely nothing other than DiCaprio’s involvement.

Then there’s The Aviator, which, judging by the poster, is a movie about Leonardo DiCaprio’s giant head eating planes right out of the sky. There’s something to be said for playing your cards close to your chest, but context is very important when it comes to selling a movie.

A lot of punters will buy tickets purely because their favourite actor is appearing, but that doesn’t mean it’s wise to alienate genre fans, or people who would like even the smallest inkling as to what the movie is about.


Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.