The movie: Writer-director John Michael McDonagh follows in brother Martin "In Bruges" McDonagh's footsteps proving that talent often runs in the family with his excellent crime comedy The Guard, also starring Brendan Gleeson, this time as a sardonic, alcoholic policeman on the west coast of Ireland. The death of a fellow police officer leads to his collaboration with a straight-laced FBI agent (Don Cheadle) as they work to uncover an international smuggling ring. What makes it a potential cult classic: As with In Bruges, The Guard is so effective on account of a fantastic script which effortlessly weaves genre pastiches with frequently witty asides. Mark Strong's Nietzsche quoting villain is a treat, but Gleeson carries the film through from start to finish, by turns world-weary and confrontational and reflective, suggesting a humanistic core. His recent collaboration with John Michael McDonagh, Calvary, solidifies their effortless working relationship.