10 Moments Comic Book Movies Dropped The Ball

3. Talia Al Ghul's Death Scene - The Dark Knight Rises

Avengers Age of Ultron Bruce Natasha
Warner Bros.

As far as Batman movies go, there is a general consensus that Christopher Nolan's trilogy is the best there is. Aside from the Dark Knight, quite possibly the greatest comic book movie ever made, the Inception director also brought the world Batman Begins and The Dark Knight Rises.

Though the latter couldn't quite live up to the movie that preceded it, it was still a fantastic movie and a solid outing from all involved. The third instalment in the trilogy served as a strong, though not quite perfect ending for the series, and for Christian Bale's version of Bruce Wayne.

There was, however, one scene that stood out from the stellar standard that the movies earned for themselves, and truly let the final outing down. This was the corny, almost cartoon-esque death of Talia al Ghul. After crashing her truck, Talia managed to speak to Bruce and co. just long enough to tell them they had lost, before suddenly just giving up and dying.

This was easily the worst scene, not just in the Dark Knight Rises, but in the entire trilogy, and was certainly a lowlight for the usually exceptional Marion Cotillard. Even the actress herself was disappointed in the scene, believing that the director should have simply used a different, better take. It's hard not to agree with her.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.